How to Increase Your Chances of Winning a Coding Bootcamp Scholarship


Did you know that the tech industry is expected to support around six million workers by 2030? For many people, education is the only thing separating them from tech job security. That’s why coding bootcamps have been so vital to specific communities. 


These crash courses are already affordable, but with a coding bootcamp scholarship, they can be a steal. Unfortunately, winning one of these scholarships can be easier said than done. How do you improve your individual chances of getting a coding bootcamp scholarship? 


People who want easy tips for improving their odds are in the perfect place. This guide will help you discover everything you need about this critical topic. 


What Is a Coding Bootcamp?


A coding bootcamp is a type of intensive educational course. These programs are usually around six weeks long and teach computer and coding skills essential for many tech jobs. 


There are a lot of benefits that explain why people are interested in coding bootcamps, with cost being at the top of that list. It should come as a major surprise that the price of traditional universities has nearly doubled over the past decade. 


That said, coding bootcamps can still represent a considerable cost for the average person. That’s why scholarships exist to help these individuals. 


What Types of Scholarships Are Available?


There are loads of different scholarships available for coding bootcamps. The most common one you’ll likely see is scholarships for underrepresented communities in tech. This tends to include groups like people of color, women, disabled folks, veterans, and low-income communities. 


That being said, some scholarships apply to everyone. These tend to be merit-based to attract the very best minds. Even if you don’t think scholarships apply to you, it’s still worth checking out. You never know what you might find. 



How to Improve Your Overall Odds of Getting a Coding Bootcamp Scholarship


Scholarships for coding bootcamps can get quite competitive. So how do you improve your overall chances of snagging one? In this section, we’ll review some tips for increasing the odds in your favor. 


1. Do Your Research 


The more research you put into your scholarship search, the more successful it will be. Start broad by looking for coding bootcamps related to a specific career you’re interested in. Then, see if those camps offer any scholarships. 


You should also research specific scholarships related to your demographics. For example, if you’re a woman, you should look for scholarships pertaining to that. 


Our own Sabio Women in Tech Scholarship is a great option. Applying to these specific types of scholarships dramatically increases your chance of getting one. 


Related: Top Tech Industry Challenges 2022


2. Write An Excellent Statement of Purpose


Most scholarships require you to write a brief essay explaining why you should have the scholarship. This is also known as a statement of purpose. 


Try to be as authentic as you can in your letter. Explain your story and how a coding bootcamp could help your future. The more of your genuine self that comes through in writing, the better your chances will be. 


3. Choose Your Letter of Recommendation Wisely


Not all coding bootcamp scholarships will require a letter of recommendation. However, some will want to discuss why you’re a good pick from other professionals. 


If that’s the case, think carefully about the best person to write this letter to. They should be able to speak highly of you and communicate it. 


4. Have a Good Social Media Presence


Some scholars will do a deep dive into your social media accounts. Typically this is done to ensure that they aren’t rewarding a scholarship that can reflect poorly on their organization. If they discover troubling content on your socials, it could jeopardize your chances. 


5. Apply to As Many Scholarships As Possible


Don’t put everything into one basket regarding scholarships. Apply to a diverse range of programs. Each application you send out improves your chances of winning one. 


Want to apply for the scholarships we provide? Visit this resource to learn more about them and complete your application. 


Alternatives to Scholarships


Sometimes even with a scholarship, you might not have enough money to go to a coding bootcamp. The fantastic news is that there are still alternatives. For example, tons of free educational resources are available on the internet. 


Here at Sabio, we offer a variety of free courses. These types of systems can provide you with the essential skills you need to start doing small freelance work. Or, you can use them as training to see if you enjoy computer-related skills. 


Related: Women in Tech 2022



What Scholarships Do We Offer Here At Sabio?


Here at Sabio, we offer two main types of scholarships. The first is a Women in Tech Scholarship that can provide women with $2,500 off their tuition. 


The other option is more general. It’s based on merit and can result in $1,000 off your tuition. In addition to this, we also over-discounted classes, free courses, and VA benefits. 


Want to discover more about the different programs that we offer here at Sabio? Check out this helpful page to learn more about what we can offer you. 


The Importance of Improving Your Coding Bootcamp Scholarship Chances


While unemployment might be down, the sad fact is that job unhappiness has never been higher. Many people are disillusioned with their current positions and want to switch gears with their careers. 


Coding boot camps are the perfect educational resource if you’re looking to break into tech. 


If the help of a scholarship is the only thing separating you from your bootcamp education, it’s crucial that you do everything in your ability to improve your chances of winning one. The advice in this helpful article will give you the best chances of doing so. 


Related: Landing a Tech Career Without an IT Background


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