Switching Careers into Software Development

Someone typing code into a laptop in front of two desktop monitors to develop software.

Are you sick of being stuck at a dead-end job in an industry you have no passion for? It might be time to start considering switching jobs to enter the exciting world of software development. One could argue that there’s never been a more opportune time to jump into the tech industry, and doing so can provide you with a range of career prospects. Please continue to learn more about why you should consider a career in software development and explore a range of expertly crafted resources and specialized educational services offered by Sabio for even more information.

Related: Software Engineering Prep Courses at Sabio Coding Bootcamp

What Should You Consider Before Switching Careers?

Before deciding to quit your job to change careers, you’ll need to consider a wide range of factors regarding your future career goals. Below is a list of some critical elements you’ll want to keep in mind going forward.

1. Determine Why You Want To Work In Software Development

Before entering the tech industry as a software developer, you should ask yourself why that position appeals to you. Do you have a passion for coding? Are you excited at the idea of entering a booming industry? Consider your motivation and if it will be enough to push you forward.

2. Finds Jobs That Fulfill That Want

It’s essential to conduct a good deal of research before entering any new career field to ensure that the job you’re considering will provide you with what you’re looking for from the position. Consider talking with software development professionals and watching some educational videos on the field for more information.

Related: Now More Than Ever People Are Leaving Their Careers and Jumping Into Tech

3. Find a Mentor to Advise You

You can join a range of professional organizations to seek a mentor in your desired field. They can help coach you on everything you’ll need to do and learn to secure your dream job while also helping you network with the right people and start setting practical goals for yourself.

4. Network With As Many People In The Field As Possible

If you want the best possible chance at landing a job in the tech industry, you should start casting a wide net to connect yourself to as many professionals in the industry as you can. Start by setting up a professional LinkedIn profile to help you make some essential connections.

5. Be Patient - Change Doesn’t Happen Overnight

This step is essential to remember, especially since it can take some time to successfully network with industry professionals, build a resume, get an interview, and get hired. Don’t put pressure on yourself if things aren’t moving as fast as you’d like.

Are you thinking about expanding your future career opportunities by pursuing a job in the exciting world of software engineering? Consider signing up for the Coding Bootcamp proudly provided by the tech industry experts at Sabio today to learn more.

How Do I Gain the Skills Necessary To Change Careers?

If your primary goal is to eventually become a software developer, you will need to acquire a range of skills to be a successful employee. Be sure to keep the following points in mind going forward to ensure you have the best chance at success.

Two women software developers working together at a computer.

1. Determine the Training Requirements for the Position You Want

Software development positions will require you to have a specific skillset, so you’ll want to research the general training requirements you’ll need to fulfill to have a chance at landing the job. 

2. Analyze Your Missing Skills

The odds are that you may not have all the skills needed to land your dream software development position. So you’ll also need to conduct some research and figure out what you’ll need to learn for the career switch to work out.

3. Seek Certification Programs or Bootcamps That Can Fulfill Those Training Requirements

If there are skills you don’t have but will need for the position, you’re going to need to figure out the best way for you to acquire them. That may entail going back to school for some people, but many others may find coding bootcamps to be the best approach.

4. Create On Your Own Website

Taking the time to construct your own professional website may be a good idea to help give you some credibility in the industry. Anything you can do to elevate your attractiveness to prospective employers is something worth considering.

5. Get Hands-On Experience

You may not be able to land that dream software development job right away, and that’s okay! Take some time to gain some hands-on experience in the industry to increase your chances of being hired later on.

Related: How To Become A Software Engineer From Scratch

A software developer typing code into a desktop computer.

How Do I Get The New Job?

Getting that new software development job will take some work, but following the steps below should help give you an excellent place to start.

1. Build Your Resume and Highlight Newly Obtained Skills

After ensuring you have the skills for the job you want, be sure to outline them in a professional resume so that you’ll be able to stand out more to prospective employers.

2. Be Methodical and Persistent

Set specific goals for yourself and be persistent, even in the face of rejection. It can be difficult for people to land their dream job right out of the gate, so you’ll have to keep trying and be methodical in your approach.

3. Reach Out to the Network You Developed And See Who’s Hiring

If you’ve followed the steps of the previous sections, then you’ve likely developed a somewhat solid network of individuals within the tech industry. It’s time to leverage those connections to see who’s hiring!

4. Apply and Mention The Experience You’ve Gained In Your Cover Letter

Along with your general resume, you’re also going to need an effective cover letter that highlights the experience you’ve gained and how that will prepare you for a position within the tech industry. 

Take A Software Development Bootcamp!

Taking the chance to change your career can be nerve-wracking, especially if you’re looking to join an entirely new industry. But if you’re ready to take that chance to start looking for your dream software development job, don’t let your worries stop you. There are several ways to effectively prepare yourself for the transition, from specialized coding courses to Bootcamps and more. Consider contacting the industry experts at Sabio today to learn how they can help you start taking those next steps towards your future career.

If you’re ready to leave your current job to start a career in the tech industry, Sabio is here to help prepare you through their full-time Coding Bootcamp. Contact them today at join@sabio.la and explore their range of expertly written resources for more information.

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