Isaac Does Sabio Remotely and Scores Fantastic Work-From-Home Tech Job

A Northern California native, Isaac started his working life in the army, “I loved being part of the army intelligence, it was kind of tech for a purpose. When I got out I changed course completely and went for a degree in culinary arts. I loved it, but it didn’t fulfill me the way that tech did. I went back to look at what my options were with the GI Bill and found out about the VA’s tech program. I had already done a year-long internship at a software company, so I knew that software development was the career I wanted to go into. One of the big things that led me to Sabio was their confidence in their ability to help me get a job at the end of the program. Sabio was very clearly going to make me a better developer, I really liked their placement numbers and their general transparency about their graduates. My interactions with Liliana Monge (Sabio’s Co-Founder and CEO) and Gregorio Rojas (Sabio’s Co-Founder & CTO) were exceptional. They bent over backwards to give me any information I needed to make my decision.”

Before Isaac jumped in, he made sure to still do outside research, “One of the challenges was my wife was attending classes here in Phoenix, so we couldn’t relocate for the duration of the bootcamp. Needing to find an online class drastically narrowed the field for programs that would give me a competitive edge while still being 100% remote. It was a tough decision, but I felt like the other programs I spoke with kind of gave me the runaround in the way that I had to work to get clarity on some issues. Sabio was really just, ‘here’s everything you need to know. This is who we are, where we’re at and what we’re doing.’ That sealed the deal.”

Once he signed up, Isaac was ready to learn, “From day one the expectation of the instructors was that you don’t get to half-ass the code or the program. It was really refreshing. I know that there’s a tendency to take the lazy way out, and I’ve seen it in a lot of students in many different areas, but Sabio just didn’t put up with it. It’s pretty brutal in the beginning, but by the end they provide standards that become habits. I came into Sabio with my own habits and the way I do things, and shifted my coding habits over to the Sabio best practices, which are basically just the best industry practices, that was huge for me.”

Learning to code remotely was a whole new experience for Isaac, “I had no problems working 100% remote. The only downside is that it’s harder to build camaraderie with the team when you’re isolated, but Sabio did a good job of having the instructors communicate regularly. Classmates were willing to jump on calls with Zoom, Microsoft team and all the other technologies out there that allows face-to-face interactions. My instructor was always super willing to listen and always available to help me ask questions and become a better developer. All the instructors including Gregorio were all super personable which I liked a lot.”

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